Saturday, June 7, 2014

First few art days

It's been slow starting classes here this first week. Here are some common issues that have prevented classes so far.

Because everyone rides a motorbike here, as soon as the downpours start, everything is cancelled. The older students who I teach (age 14 and 15) didn't show up until much later to class on Friday due to the rain. We started late, but still managed to have a decent introductory class as they dried off inside.

My students and their families are Shan Burmese, and they haven't been granted refugee status and are here illegally. Their lack of official status as refugees disallows them to legally work, own land, own a home, drive, and more. They are usually ok, and have found ways to continue working despite restrictions. Every once in a while, though, Immigration pays a visit from Mae Hong Son, and the community members have to make themselves scarce. This week immigration was here for two days so Kwah Dao's Thai lessons for the older individuals in the Shan community was cancelled. Additionally, one of our Saturday classes was cancelled because the woman who allows us to use her home was paid a visit by immigration, and she was spooked (understandably).

Kids are kids
Our after-school and weekend classes are coordinated by talking to the students beforehand, and through word of mouth. Needless to say, this turns into low attendance and late arrivals as our program picks up after the school holidays. Many of my students' parents are not around when we visit - either working or unavailable for other reasons.
Despite all of these challenges, classes have begun, and paintings have been painted! More in the next post!
After the rain in Pai.

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