Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New Project: Identity Books.

Page one in the student's Identity books: "What do you like?". The students had fun drawing and painting their various interests, and this student got into  painting with all of the colours.

Response to the prompt: "What do you like?". Most boys either say "football" or some kind of video game character.

Multimedia art day- making the first pages of the Identity books.

Painting at all levels: This sister/brother combo has had fights in my classroom in the past, but today they worked harmoniously at painting, and seemed to get along well. It was nice to hear the older sister, Ning, encourage and direct her younger brother. I hope it is the beginning of a better relationship.

I often have to have a bag of supplies to give to students who finish early, or who need more hands-on materials. This student had already made about 5 paintings, but it wasn't enough. So I gave him scraps of paper, glue and scissors and he seemed happy to keep on creating!

My favourite painting of the weekend. Done by an eager five year old who could not stop painting. It was inspiring to watch him really get into painting and creating for three hours. I could not give him enough paper!

Working on literacy and art - an older student really got into making beautiful letters for her book cover.

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