Monday, July 21, 2014

Identity Weaving

Students worked on creating multimedia pieces  that expressed aspects of themselves, using cloth, pastels and watercolour. They then took these pieces and wove them into a collaborative piece. 
It was a laid back day, with lots of acting, goofing off, and working together.
In the end they liked their paintings too much to leave them in the weaving, so they took them home as solo pieces.
Students worked on creating strips of cloth that told a story about themselves.

Working on creating a multimedia piece for the group weaving.

Spreading out around the house to focus on art.

A work in progress.

Goofing off with the extra cloth pieces before art making starts.

Art as fashion!

Repurposing art for fashion!

Beginning to weave their identity paintings into the group piece.

Weaving the piece together.

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